Presiding Bishop Bishop Dr. Luther DePaul Iglehart received his Secondary Education at George Washington Carver High School. He accepted Christ at a very early age, and was deter mined to pursue the life of Christ. In 1958 he accepted the call to preach the Gospel . He was Licensed in 1966 and Ordained in 1967. Being a man of purpose and vision, Bishop Iglehart knew the importance of education and has attended various colleges and universities across the United States. He earned a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Theology from the Inter-Baptist Theological Center, a Bachelors of Science Degree in Mathematics from Texas Southern University, a Masters Degree from Texas Southern University and was awarded a Doctorate from the University of Georgia in Administration, and a Doctorate from Inter-Baptist Theological Center in Guidance and Church Administration. Dr. Iglehart is a man devoted to the cause of Christ and has formerly pastored in Los Cruz, New Mexico, Houston Texas, Orangeburg, SC, Greenville, SC, Lang ley, SC, Seneca, SC, Clemson, SC , Aiken, SC and Athens, GA, Macon, GA, and Augusta, GA.
He founded Showers of Blessings Ministry in 1967 and Divine Mind Ministries in 1996. He was ordained Bishop in 2003 under James Feltus, Jr., International Presiding Senior Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, United. He presently serves as Prelate of the Church of God In Christ United Saints of America (COGICUSA) Dr. Iglehart is also the Owner of Omni World Corporation, maker of Health and Beauty Aids.
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